Общо показвания

петък, 9 декември 2011 г.

четвъртък, 24 ноември 2011 г.



some good sound + cup of tea and i'm ready for the new book ("Christmas holiday" by W. Somerset)
Peace and Love!

Fast and Furious

Big shopping and photoshooting!(Soon--> Photos!)
Finally get some rest... but not exactly ..now i'm gonna make some presents for my BFF-s for their birthdays...
Peace and Love!

вторник, 22 ноември 2011 г.


Today I'm in creative mood... I will make sketches  for my future collection spring / summer 2012 and the university portfolio! Wish me a luck!
Peace and <3!

Sunny mood

Tuesday morning! Great start of the day with cup of coffee,cigarette,SUN and great music!
Have a great and sunny day! Peace and <3! 

понеделник, 21 ноември 2011 г.

Accessory of the day

A pair leather gloves ... Need of every man for the fall..

Leather gloves H&M


Happy Monday! Have a great week,people! Peace and <3 !

The beginning...

Start a new page in my daily life ... I am sure that many of you have come across this type of blogs - about music & fashion, but is never superfluous one more source of this type of information...so sit back and become a part of my world..!